Our Blog

One thing’s for sure. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes they’re not the kind of surprises we want! We might not be able to change your circumstances, but we can help you navigate the family law and make the best decisions according to your obligations and rights. We try to include as much news as possible relevant and helpful for our Gold Coast and Logan clients.

What Happens After A Consent Order Is Sealed By A Judge? In the Family Court of Australia, a consent order represents an agreement between parties regarding parenting arrangements or financial matters after a relationship breakdown.

In Australia, pet custody laws are evolving, reflecting the growing recognition of pets as beloved family members. As more couples share a home with pets, disputes regarding pet ownership often arise, particularly in the context

We understand that obtaining full custody of a child in Queensland can be a challenging experience for parents. We’re here to help. Understanding how to obtain full child custody involves comprehending legal standards, demonstrating a

This article discusses the costs and family law processes associated with drafting, modifying, and terminating a Binding Finacial Agreement (BFA) in Australia, including related expenses. Your fees will depend on who you choose to work

Get the Facts on Whether a Binding Financial Agreement Needs to Go to Court In Australia, a binding financial agreement (BFA) does not generally need to go to court. A BFA is a legally binding

Can a Binding Financial Agreement Be Overturned? Binding financial agreements (BFAs) can be a valuable tool in family law matters, protecting individuals’ assets during a relationship breakdown. However, under the Family Law Act 1975, these

In Australia, a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) is a legal contract that outlines how property arrangements and financial matters will be managed if a relationship ends. These agreements can provide clarity and security for both

So you have separated or are contemplating separation. You have decided to take the plunge and make contact with a family lawyer for family law advice. It is important that you make preparations for the

Family dispute resolution or FDR is a legal process aimed at assisting families in resolving conflicts and reaching an agreement without going to court. Usually, anyone planning to engage in the family dispute resolution process

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